Our Talks take place in room N220 at UWS Paisley at 7 for 7.15. The room is reached via the Storie street entrance. Turn left and take the stairs or the lift up one level. N220 is to the right of the librarians' desk.
Non members are asked to make a donation of £5
UWS Paisley
The term ‘vaccine hesitancy’ refers to a delay in acceptance or the refusal of vaccines despite availability of vaccination services. Anti-...
UWS Paisley
UWS Paisley
"It's a discussion about not talking about art because the "percept" should outweigh the spoken concept of the thing, and art belonging to t...
UWS Paisley
UWS Paisley
The field of Western Psychology developed at the turn of the 20th Century, a time marked by increasing expansion of scientific thinking and...
UWS Paisley
UWS Paisley
How frustrating is it when people don’t listen to your point of view?
What about if you were deciding where to live or whether to undergo ...
UWS Paisley
UWS Paisley
Alexander Wilson, Paisley’s Bird Man
Weaver and poet Alexander Wilson spend more than half his life in Paisley before fleeing to America. The...
UWS Paisley